Order - the Customer's application for the purchase of the Goods from the catalog of the Modellisimo Internet store, issued by the MODELLISIMO Internet shop operator, after confirmation of its relevance by the Client.
Services - a set of activities of the MODELLISIMO Internet-shop in relation to the Client, carried out with the purpose of fulfilling the terms of the Contract, including, but not limited to, the delivery of the Order to the Client, informing the Customer of the Contract execution process, etc.
The Agreement is the present User Agreement regulating the relations of MODELLISIMO Internet-shop and the Client throughout the whole period of provision of the Services.
Confidentiality, protection of personal information
Internet-shop MODELLIZIMO, working with personal data of clients, maintains, stores and monitors personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data. The MODELLISIMO online store processes data for the purposes of selection, research and statistical data processing in order to identify the effectiveness of using services, adapting proposals and segmenting, for marketing research, providing information on special offers, news and other marketing materials. For the purpose of contacting, the Client allows various communication channels, such as telephone, directories, direct mail advertising, e-mailing, etc., to be used by the MODELLISIMO Internet shop. Personal data can be used by the MODELLISIMO Internet shop only for the performance of contractual relations and the provision of information materials. In the course of using personal data, each Customer has the right to evaluate their personal data in order to verify their correctness or update them, while he may require MODELLISIMO Internet store to temporarily or completely delete his Personal Data from the online store database. Removal of personal data from the database is possible after the parties fulfill the terms of the Purchase and Sale Agreement. After the Customer's personal data has been deleted, the Customer will not be able to make Orders in MODELLISIMO Internet-shop unless he presents his personal data again for the purpose of purchasing the Goods in MODELLISIMO Internet-shop.
Provision of information by the Client
When registering on the Sites www.modellisimo.ru and www.modellisimo.rf (hereinafter referred to as the Sites), the Client (Site User) provides the following information: Surname, First name, e-mail address.
When placing an order, the Customer can provide the following information: Surname, First name, Patronymic, address for order delivery, contact phone number.
By providing its personal data during the authorization / registration on the site, the Customer (the Site User) agrees to process them for an indefinite period by MODELLISIMO Internet shop (hereinafter also Seller) in order to fulfill the Seller's obligations to the customer, sell the Goods to them and provide services, provide to them reference information, as well as to promote Goods, works and services, and also agrees to receive electronic mailings. When processing personal data of the Client, the Seller is guided by the Federal Law "On Personal Data", the Federal Law "On Advertising" and local regulatory documents.
Use of information provided by the Client
The Seller uses the data provided by the Customer during the entire term of the Customer's registration on the Site in order to:
The goods ordered by the Customer in MODELLISIMO Internet-shop can be transferred to the Client with the involvement of third parties with whom MODELLISIMO LLC has formalized contractual relations. The Customer agrees that the MODELLISIMO Internet store has the right to assign or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations arising from its relations with the Customer to third parties.
Protection of intellectual property
All textual information and graphic images posted on the Sites www.modellisimo.ru and www.modellisimo.rf is the property of OOO MODELISIMO and / or its counterparties.
Description and price of the Goods
The availability of the Products presented in the MODELLISIMO Internet shop directory is determined by the individual status of the Goods displayed in the genre catalog, as well as on the Product card with a detailed description of its characteristics.
All information about the Goods submitted on the Sites is informational in nature, is not advertising and can not fully convey all information about the properties and characteristics of the Goods.
Part of the Goods is represented on the Sites through photos of samples and images that are the property of Modellisimo's Internet store or its counterparties. Each photo-sample is accompanied by textual information: name, price, weight and description of the Goods. The quality of the setting and the features of the computer screen of the Client may distort the color gamut of the presented Goods. The client has the right to contact the online store support service MODELSIMO for more information about the product that interested him. At the request of the Client, the manager of the MODELLISIMO Internet store is obliged to provide (by phone or via e-mail) other information necessary and sufficient, from the Customer's point of view, to make a decision on the purchase of the Goods.
The product may have minor differences from the image presented on the Sites by color, shape, size or other parameters. Any characteristics of the Goods may be changed by the manufacturer of the Product without prior notice. The goods in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation have all the necessary certificates and fully comply with the norms and requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
In the event that the Customer has any questions regarding the properties and characteristics of the Goods, prior to the creation of the Order, the Customer should consult the MODELLISIMO Internet shop for advice.
By this Agreement, the Customer is notified that the sale of the Goods in the Modellisimo Internet shop is carried out in real time (round the clock) and implies a price change and its availability without prior notice. In this regard, the Goods are reserved for the Customer only after the Order is processed by the MODELLISIMO Internet-shop bundling service, as the Client is warned by this Agreement.
Return of the Goods of appropriate quality
Not returned and exchanged Goods of good quality, having individually defined properties, i.e. The Goods that can be used exclusively by the person acquiring it. Also not subject to return and exchange for a similar product of other size, shape, size, color, style or bundle. Goods included in the list of Resolution No. 55 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.01.1998.
In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation on "Protection of Consumer Rights", the Customer has the right to refuse the ordered Goods within 7 days after receiving it.
Exchange of Goods of the appropriate quality for a similar Goods, if the Goods specified did not fit the Customer in shape, size, style, color, size or bundle, is possible within 14 days from the receipt of the Goods.
Return and exchange of the Goods of the proper quality is possible in the case if its Presentation, consumer properties are preserved, the original packaging is not damaged, the document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified Goods is saved. The Client's lack of this document does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to other evidence of the acquisition of the Goods in MODELLISIMO's Internet-shop.
The costs associated with the return or exchange of the Goods of the proper quality shall be borne by the Customer of the MODELLISIMO Internet shop.
If the Customer refuses the Goods, the MODELLISIMO Internet store shall refund to the Customer the amount paid in accordance with the Contract, with the exception of the expenses of the MODELLISIMO Internet-shop, for delivery of the returned Goods from the Customer, no later than 10 days from the date of presentation of the relevant demand by the Customer, return of the Goods to the warehouse of MODELLISIMO Internet-shop.
If at the time of the Client's request to exchange the Goods, a similar Product is not available for sale, the Client has the right to refuse to execute the Sales and Purchase Agreement and demand the return of the money paid for the Goods.
Return of Goods of inadequate quality
ATTENTION! Upon receipt of the Goods by the Post of Russia or by any other delivery services, an examination of the proper quality of the Goods shall be carried out directly at the post office (place of receipt) of the parcel. If you find a marriage, you must immediately apply and fix the claim and refuse to receive the Goods. All parcels are insured against damage (during shipment), and in the absence of a compiled damage statement, we will not be able to receive compensation for the model damaged during shipment. In the absence of an act of damage, we will not be able to exchange the damaged model, or to compensate you for its cost.
The Customer has the right to return the Goods of improper quality to the Producer or the Seller and demand the return of the paid money. The customer may also request replacement of the Goods of improper quality or elimination of defects. At the same time, in respect of technically complex and expensive Goods, these Customer's requirements are to be satisfied in case of detection of significant shortcomings.
Return of Goods of inadequate quality is possible only after agreement with the Internet shop Modellisimo.
The return shipment of the Goods is initially made at the expense of the Customer. After the receipt of the Goods and confirmation of the presence of the declared defects that arose not through the fault of the Customer, MODELLISIMO Internet-shop undertakes to reimburse these expenses, but not more than 250 rubles.
Refunds are made at the expense of Modellisimo online store no later than 10 days after the date the Customer submits a relevant request, provided that the returned Goods arrive at the MODELLISIMO Internet store.
Return of funds for the Goods or their exchange for a similar is made only after the return of the Goods to the warehouse of the MODELLISIMO Internet shop and confirmation by the Internet store of MODELLISIMO of the declared defects.
In the event that the refund is not carried out simultaneously with the return of the Goods by the Customer, the refund can be made by the MODELLISIMO Internet shop with the Client's consent in one of the following ways:
Other conditions
The legislation of the Russian Federation is applied to the relationship between the Client and the MODELLISIMO Internet shop.
In case of any problems or claims on the part of the Customer, he must contact the Customer Service Department of the Modellisimo Internet shop via the telephone number indicated on the Site. All disputes will be resolved by the parties through negotiations, if the agreement is not reached, the dispute can be referred to the judicial body in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.